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What happens when you’re bugged on vacation?

Insects are coming for your next vacation.
They had it in for Richard Campbell when he checked into a small hotel in Italy’s scenic Cinque Terre area. 
At 2 a.m., he woke up to the sensation of bug bites on his arms and legs.
“I noticed a few bugs on the headboard and wall,” said Campbell. “It was bedbugs!”
If it seems like insect encounters with travelers are on the rise, it’s because they are. The reasons are simple: Climate change is making it easier for bugs to multiply, and more people are traveling.
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“An increase in travel means an increase in bug encounters,” said Mike Bentley, vice president of training and technical services for the National Pest Management Association.
That’s especially true for bedbug encounters like the one Campell had. Last fall, there was a bedbug scare in Paris. Bedbug infestations have been reported in other major cities, including Hong Kong and Seoul, and on cruise ships. (Some insect experts say these reports are exaggerated and don’t suggest that you cancel your travel plans.)
But there are other insect issues that could affect your next trip. And if you are bugged on your vacation, you have rights that you need to know before you go.
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Campbell, who runs an adventure tour business, is no stranger to difficult traveling conditions. But when he told the proprietor about the unwanted bug encounter the next morning, he didn’t know what to expect.
“They were horrified when they saw me and the bed bugs,” he said. “Almost immediately, the innkeeper started yelling at her husband. I guess she had told him that she didn’t like the last group of travelers – and now look what happened. It was a bit like George Constanza’s parents arguing from ‘Seinfeld.’ ”
The owners went out of their way to fix the problem. They moved Campbell to a different room, laundered his clothes, gave him medication for his bug bites, and fumigated the room the same day.
They also refunded his room and gave him 40 euros (about $43.70) in cash as compensation for the trouble.
“They also asked me not to post a negative review online since it would ruin their business,” he said.
He didn’t, but plenty of other people do. You can read their misfortunes online in places like the Bedbug Report. 
Most people freak out when they see an insect on vacation. They lose their minds and make the most outrageous demands, like asking for all their money back plus reparations and an apology from the general manager. Sometimes they get it, sometimes not. But nothing makes people lose their minds like creepy crawlies in their bed at night. Nothing.
Bedbugs are hardly the only insect encounters you can expect when you’re on the road. Here are just a few ways travelers are getting bugged:
By the way, this is hardly a comprehensive list. Don’t even get me started on spiders. I’ll never forget the enormous tarantula I found in the kitchen of my vacation rental in Sedona, Arizona. I turned the light on, and it scurried away.
The point is that there are many bugs that can get you when you’re traveling. And what are your rights? I’m glad you asked.
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Keith Robinson, the vice president for pest control at expense management company Fine Tune US, said hotels typically send guests to a new room in a different area when they encounter bedbugs. 
“They may also upgrade you to a better room as an apology, or refund your stay,” he said.
There are no hard-and-fast rules for other insect encounters. 
If you experience severe ant infestation in, say, a vacation rental booked through Airbnb or Vrbo, you may be able to negotiate a full or partial refund. I’ve personally negotiated refunds on behalf of customers through my consumer advocacy organization. But there are no published policies – or even regulations – that would require a full refund when you find a bug in your apartment.
When it comes to your consumer rights, the best advice is to negotiate. There may be no rules for refunding a bedbug-infested rental, but there are consequences. A promise to post your encounter online might persuade a manager or host to fix the problem, but it’s always better to ask politely. If they don’t believe you, show them the pictures you took when you first found insects.
You’re better off avoiding insects altogether.
Some places are buggier than others, experts say.
“If you want to avoid insects as much as possible, don’t go to beaches, lakes, or any place with water really,” said Dini Miller, an urban pest management specialist for the state of Virginia who teaches at Virginia Tech. 
In other words, if you’re squeamish about insects, you might want to skip that airboat ride in the Everglades. Ditto for the Caribbean in the rainy season. Insects live everywhere, so there’s no guarantee you’ll escape them on vacation – but you can make an educated guess.
If you travel, you’ll probably encounter an insect or two. Don’t lose your cool – and remember that you have certain rights, even if they’re not in writing.
Christopher Elliott is an author, consumer advocate, and journalist. He founded Elliott Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that helps solve consumer problems. He publishes Elliott Confidential, a travel newsletter, and the Elliott Report, a news site about customer service. If you need help with a consumer problem, you can reach him here or email him at [email protected].
